Building Diagnosis Centre Pty Ltd
Sydney building experts striving for professional excellence since 1976.
Solving defective non-compliant damaged buildings, structures and waterproofing throughout Sydney Northern Beaches to Eastern Suburbs.
Detection of failed and damaged waterproofing
Within the building and construction industry there are building investigation professionals, specialising in detecting failed and damaged waterproofing systems, materials and potential building faults that will occur after completion. Building Diagnosis Centre are experts in this field. We detects these waterproofing issues together with other faults during the construction process when we are involved in progress inspection or when called in either by the owners or the builder to evaluate. construction and or cost disputes.
Buildings and Structures Types – We assess for waterproofing failures
- Houses; villas and townhouses;
- Residential blocks of flats;
- Residential strata up to 12 stories;
- Commercial strata offices to 4 stories;
- Multi level car park to 9 levels in shopping malls;
- Old factories; tilt-up slab wall factories;
- Commercial restaurants and kitchens;
- Wharves and jetties;
- Heritage schools and churches;
- Nursing homes; and child-care centres.
- Purpose-built structures i.e.
- Bondi beach underground tunnels (suffering spalling concrete cancer / seepage penetration.
- Waverley Council grandstand, public change rooms and toilet block facilities at beach fronts.
- Parramatta Council Pedestrian Walkway Bridge and South Sydney Council Gross Pollution Tank
- Manly Catholic Church heritage sandstone structural and asbestos roof replacement.
Consulting team members in other disciplines
- Structural engineers
- Chartered architect
- Accredited private certifiers
- Heritage consultant
- Disable access consultant
- Hazardous materials consultant
Consignment methodologies include
- Visual inspections
- Diagnostic and forensic assessments
- Distructive investigations into the structure
- Building dilapidation assessments
- Neglected coastal corrosion causes of damaged structures
- Taking core samples of concrete for testing
- Brick and asbestos materials for laboratory testing
Rectifications / upgrading of buildings and structures
- Preparation of council development/construction applications for approval
- Providing opinion for council consent / objections to developments
- Project consulting inspection and certification
- Investigating and identifying complaints of building defects, faulty workmanship and materials
- Expert witness for court and tribunal proceedings regarding insurance claims and disputes
- Assessing unsafe spalling concrete corrosion buildings
- OHS relating to people with disabilities
- Environmental health risk issues of asbestos / lead content materials
- Fire deterrent safety
- Accidents on building sites
- Protective paint coatings to steel and wood materials
- Fire / stormwater damage
- Mostly inspection survey audits
- Project consulting destructive investigation
- Overseeing the rectification process of remedial contractors.
- Peer review
- Reports – For each consignment, requires preparing assessment reports as well as expert reports issued to consumers, owners’ corporations, business, local government and for litigation purposes.
- Specifications – Preparation of specifications and drawings usually in the capacity as project consultant to rectifications of structures and building faults, poor workmanship and inappropriate materials that includes asbestos and its safe removal.
- Pre-purchase inspections and reports on houses, strata units, small office and shop buildings, hotels, motels and boarding houses.
We can discuss how we can help with your building issues or your clients.
Call us today on 0408911210 and talk about it with:
Robert Speirs-Ferrari one of our senior consultants.