Building Diagnosis Centre Pty Ltd
Sydney building experts striving for professional excellence since 1976.
Solving defective non-compliant damaged buildings, structures and waterproofing throughout Sydney Northern Beaches to Eastern Suburbs.
Building & Construction Consignments
Among our project management services, we have provided our clients with about 4,000 diversified expert advice consultancy consignments between 1987 to 2021.
This does not include our Pre-Purchase Inspection Reports we provided to clients purchasing buildings between 1987 to 2000.
Our wide range of expert advice is for dilapidation, general building issues, waterproofing complaints and scope to rectify faulty and dilapidated buildings and structures.
We document our findings in expert reports, photographic evidence including evidence for NCAT building and disputes litigation cases.
Building Types and Structures We Assess:
- Heritage Local Government Infrastructure
- Commercial Buildings – Contemporary & Heritage
- Heritage Churches, Government / Private Schools & Hospital
- Strata Unit Buildings / Heritage Cinema Conversion To Strata Units
- Residential House / Home Unit Selections
- Concrete Swimming Pools
- Case 1 dwelling houses – 2005 NSW Fair Trading Tribunal (CTTT)
- Case 2 strata buildings- 2014 NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal (NCAT)
- Awards for Local Government Projects
Examples Of Our Expert Consulting Work:
1. Boot Factory heritage 3 storey 120 year building – Spring Street Bondi Junction (Waverley Council). Investigations to dilapidation survey; safety hazards regarding potential collapse. Feasibility study; design waterproofing solution for eroding masonry and mortar facade; – project manage make-safe stabilisation of bowing wall movements and structural steel floor connections deficiency with structural steel internal bracing and propping. | 2. Eastgate Gardens Shopping Centre – Spring Street Bondi Junction (Waverley Council). Investigations to 28 year multi level car park and retail shops – waterproofing membrane deterioration, leaking podium under tennis court, swimming pool, expansion joints. Seeping cracked concrete slab car park/driveways, spalling concrete corrosion, rust corroding structural steel and fire service sprinkler pipe and hydrant. Design solutions and estimates. |
3. Spotlight building (originally 1920s roller skate rink) – Ebley Street Bondi Junction (Waverley Council). Investigate chronic rust corrosion of steel roofing sheets, and structure steel truss roof frame rust corrosion constructed into concerning/cracked bowed solid brick masonry walls. | 4. Chambers Building Waverley Council – Bondi Road Bondi Junction. Investigate facade; report, specification, assist with public tender, project inspections of spalling concrete corrosion, rust corrosion structural steel and framing and waterproofing concrete facade. |
5. Pavilion Grandstand (Waverley Council) – Bondi Road, Bondi Junction. Investigations and dilapidation assessments including intrusive excavations and core samples for NATA laboratory testing on contamination (chloride and carbonation) of chronic spalling concrete damage rust corrosion structural steel supports. Recommendation grandstand not viable to rectify (now demolished). | 6. Bondi Beach Tunnels – Waverley Council concrete 4.0m diameter tunnel structures; kiosk, storage rooms and lifesavers equipment store under esplanade Queen Elizabeth Drive. Investigations to chronic structural spalling damaged concrete caused by saltwater seepage. Design temporary structural steel propping and feasibility study for demolition / reconstruction. |
7. Bondi Beach Pavilion – Community cultural centre (Waverley Council) Queen Elizabeth Drive Bondi Esplanade. Investigate spalling concrete of internal heritage spiral staircase and rust corrosion embedded steel. Recommendation for rejuvenation and structural steel floor support. | 8. Bondi Beach Lifeguard Watchtower – Esplanade Queen Elizabeth Drive (Waverley Council). Investigate dilapidation assessment for suitability of durable steel materials and fibre-sheet cladding resilient to salt spray and to waterproof facade. |
9. Bondi Beach (Waverley Council) – Concrete storerooms under esplanade Queen Elizabeth Drive. Investigations to chronic structurally damaged spalling concrete caused by saltwater seepage. Design temporary structural steel propping and feasibility study for demolition / reconstruction. |
10. Bondi Footbridge – (Waverley Council) Pavilion Campbell Parade Bondi. Investigations assessing structural cracking and spalling concrete damage rust corrosion structural steel. Recommend spalling concrete repairs and waterproofing solutions. |
11. Bondi Beach Waverley Council – South dressing room/toilet amenities at Notts Avenue. Investigate for rectification of spalling concrete cracking and water penetration. Recommend solutions to rectify and waterproof. | 12. Bondi Beach Waverley Council – Surfboard club storage under esplanade Queen Elizabeth Drive. Investigations assessment report to spalling concrete and water penetration. Recommend rectifications. |
13. Tamarama dressing room/toilet amenities Waverley Council) – Investigations to spalling concrete and salt attack eroding brickwork – water penetration damaged structural rectifications. | 14. Marks Park Tamarama dressing room / toilet amenities Waverley Council – Investigations to spalling concrete and water penetration damaged the structure. Recommend rectifications. |
15. South Bronte beach dressing room/toilet amenities Waverley Council – Investigations to spalling concrete and water penetration damage. Recommend structural rectifications. | 16. South Bronte beach concrete shade shelters picnic areas (Waverley Council). Investigations spalling concrete from salt water penetration. Recommend solutions and waterproof. |
17. Community Hall Beacon Hill Warringah Council – Report on visual survey of spalling concrete explosion of encased steel frame columns causing cracking, rust corrosion, and dislodgement to footpath below. | 18. Grandstand Waverley Council Bondi Road Bondi Junction – Survey of new replaced grandstand from original heritage structure, suffering water penetration through concrete roofs and highlight windows. |
1. Sheraton Hotel on the Park Elizabeth Street Sydney Hyde Park – Investigations include abseiling as rainwater penetrates 20th floor executive suites from tiled terraces and roof terraces above and from glass atrium roof. Design and project management investigation include physical destructive work to walls and terraces. Estimate rectification costs. Specify waterproofing membrane system. Recommend list of remedial builders. | 2. Heritage Cinema Darling Street Balmain – Conversion in 1997 to strata units and excavated basement carpark suffering water intrusion through walls and around windows, corrosion of interior masonry walls and rust corrosion steel lintels over windows. Assessment included abseiling the steep pitched roof. To Inspect large gable wall for waterproofing, re-strengthening rust corrosion steel against earthquake resistance, roof sheet conditions of poor construction water penetration. |
3. Doltone House Function Centre Pyrmont Heritage Wharf – Pirrama Rd Jones Bay Wharves water penetration from commercial kitchens into office strata units below. Design and project managed waterproofing membranes and reconstruction of two commercial kitchens and assessment of rust corrosion structural steel supports. | 4. Woolworths shopping mall Illawarra Road Marrickville – Assessment report of non-compliant car park traffic barriers and balustrades re compliance for impact resistance, and resistance to water penetration causing failure by spalling concrete damage and rust corrosion steel. |
5. Bonds Nursery Flower Power Mona Vale Road, Terrey Hills – Disable access assessment report of proposed new development and asbestos check. Recommend solutions and rectification of faulty work. | 6. Pie Face – Druitt Street Sydney – Assessment report recommendation on ‘access and egress’ to restaurant to comply with the Premises Act 2010. Including controlling rising damp in walls and alterations to front entrance and floor construction. |
7. Pie Face – George Street Haymarket – Assessment report on ‘access and egress’ to restaurant to comply with the Premises Act 2010. Includes recommendations to control rising dampness in walls. | 8. Nursing homes (3) – Assessments for disable access and assessments for DoCs long-day child centre assisting architects with requirements. |
9. Diplomats Apartments – Albert Street Edgecliff 60-year-old 10-storey, to design and project manage caretaker’s flat, rectify spalling concrete, waterproofing, eroding brickwork, lower sheet roofing height for views and feasibility studies for development of adjoining land. | 10. Commercial 10-storey building Albert Road Edgecliff – Assessment and project managed building waterproofing membranes to concrete balconies, and major alterations to garage car parking and construction of fire rated party walls. Assessment of steel wall ties in cavity brickwork. |
11. Pie Face Sydney domestic and international Airports – Access and egress Audits for disable access to proposed shops and kiosks to comply with the Premises Act 2010. | 12. Hotel Haymarket – Research Sydney City Council archives for intending overseas buyers of a Sydney Hotel relating to compliance, dilapidation and history of repairs regarding spalling, rusting steel and waterproofing. |
13. Professional suites and restaurant – 53 East Esplanade Manly 1920s 5-storey building. Assessing condition throughout and recommendations to strengthen or replace rust corroding steel awning supports and roof sheeting over public footpath suffering structural deterioration of the steel supports causing potential unsafe conditions to pedestrians below. Discussions with Council. | 14. Dentist surgery – Sturdee Parade Dee Why is 9-year-old premises with strata unit block above, suffering 9 years of water seepage through surgery. Report and specification to resolve water intrusion issues and negotiate with adjoining commercial neighbours for access to rectify building and damage. |
15. Huntsman Corporation laboratory building Denison Street Matraville – Investigate the cause of water penetrating through new roof sheet membrane, inspection of roof surface and slab soffit within removable ceiling panels. Make recommendations for rectification including spalling concrete rectifications including rust corroding steel. | 16. Child Care Centre Export and Develop – Epping Road North Ryde investigations into construction faults, rust corrosion steel and work not performed according to the contract and construction drawings, specifications and provide water tests, generate expert opinion report with specifications for litigation purposes for solicitor client. |
17. Pittwater Road Brookvale – Recreation club inspection and testing for asbestos material and arrange dismantling and removal off site. | 18. Markham Global – Aquron Waterproofing Chemical add-mixers and spray injections for NCC/BCA Performance Solutions for Aquron products and installations for waterproofing concrete structures include: Commercial buildings, shopping centre roof car parks, infrastructure and strata units roof and balconies against concrete and steel reinforcement corrosion. |
19. Belmore Road Randwick NSW 2031 Child Care Centre investigations including evaluating many reports and specifications regarding work being carried out to the roof where water continues to penetrate the interior. | |
1. St Mary’s Catholic heritage 1905 church Raglan Street Manly – Investigate, assist with heritage reports. Prepare specifications and plans for Manly Council approval. Project management major rectification and replacement of steep pitched asbestos roof and strengthening original timber truss roof framing to stop further roof spread using steel brackets. Construct floor and lighting in attic for maintenance safe access, manage internal restorations (continues next column) | Cont’d …. to exposed stained timber roof trusses and finishes thermal and acoustic insulation in roof; treating of sandstone block walls within upper parapet gables; Air-Cell vapour barrier insulation; new parapet flashings set in sandstone; installation of new ceramic roof slate tiles from Italy; stainless steel anchors for safe abseiling access; and new ColorBond steel bird proof ventilated roof ridge. New copper sheet roofing, downpipes, gutters completed during school holidays. |
2. Buckova Pty Ltd Miles Special Builders & Hansen Yuncken government schools project – 13 properties throughout western suburbs. Investigate and provide technical reports and specifications to divert a $1,000,000 dispute re faulty protective of hot dipped galvanised coating and 98% zinc touch-up coating of wrought iron steel balustrades and fencing to new school halls. | 3. O’Connell Catholic Heritage College Armidale Kirkwood Street – Assessment of water penetrating causing eroding sandstone and brickwork to large gable overhanging parapet wall. Specifications for remedial work. Discussed with a local project management firm of their required methodology for remedial work. |
4. St Mary’s Catholic Church Offices Raglan Street Manly – Investigate, design, specify and project manage major alterations to offices, kitchen alterations, new doorway to courtyard and construction of new disable toilet amenity. | 5. Manly West Primary Public School Griffith Street, Balgowlah – Feasibility study and design “after care centre” block, call tenders and assessment report of asbestos in children’s toilet blocks. |
6. St Mary’s Catholic School Whistler Street Manly. Investigations and report of spalling concrete damage and water penetration, asbestos roof sheets to school and recommendations. | 7. Royal Perth Hospital and Bentley Perth Hospital WA Government – Inspection assessment survey of 8,000+ m2 of concrete slab roofs up to 9 stories suffering deterioration. Design waterproofing membrane specification. |
8. Waverley College Mr Simon Potter, Dir of ICT, Campus and Innovation. – Birrell Street Waverley. Moisture ingress investigation consultancy. | 9. Childcare Centre – The Paisley Park Ranger Belmore Road Randwick, Randwick Plaza Shopping Centre. Rainwater ingress investigation consultancy. |
1. Residential above ground swimming pool Lisle Street Narrabeen – Investigations to 1-year old reinforced concrete swimming pool regarding waterproofing and reinforcement steel rust corrosion and make recommendation for solutions to Fair Trading CTTT. | 2. Cook + Phillip Aquatic swimming pool College Street Sydney – vVsual inspection and verbal report on cause of water penetrating concrete block walls at window junctions and penetrating through base of walls from main promenade stairs. |
3. Mons Road North Balgowlah – Residential in-ground swimming pool investigations and not built according to the Council approved plans. Technical report on contract works not completed, faulty workmanship of pool tiling work, non-compliant glass balustrade fencing, and incomplete construction. Design specification for major structural rectifications and waterproofing (CTTT) now NCAT. | 4. The Bulwark Castlecrag Pool – Investigation and reporting on suspended 20 m high concrete swimming pool on edge of a cliff, suffering chronic chloride (salt) attack to the concrete and rust corrosion steel reinforcement and structural steel columns supports and bracing (20 m high). |
5. Warringah Aquatic Centre swimming pool (Warringah Council) – Report visual survey of spalling concrete explosion of roof slab soffit, rust corrosion steel causing dislodgement to disable ramp below. | 6. Lane Cove Aquatic swimming pool (Lane Cove Council) – Report visual survey of spalling concrete cracking, leaking pool water, unsafe tiling to coping, and recommend solutions. |
1. Heritage cinema conversion 1997 to SP51499 – Darling Street Balmain to strata units/basement carpark suffer water intrusion through walls and around windows, corrosion of interior masonry walls and rust corrosion steel lintels over windows. Assessments include abseiling over roof to inspect large gable wall for strengthening against earthquake resistance, roof sheeting rust corrosion, flashing conditions and poor construction steel supports and advise solutions. | 2. SP 7200 Alfred Street Ramsgate – Assessment and investigation into causes of leaking and subsiding sewer and stormwater drainage pipes under concrete floors and leaking bathrooms causing settlement cracking and subsidence to concrete floor. Prepare design specification, call tenders and project manage underpinning to raise the building to original height and repair and reinstate damage. Remove asbestos. |
3. SP66300 – Delmar Pd DEE WHY is 10-year-old strata unit block, suffering 10 years of water seepage through base of foundation walls. Prepare specifications to resolve water intrusion issues. Evaluate tenders and make recommendations, including project manager licensed builder, licensed waterproofer and licensed plumber to rectify building and damage for Owners Corporation via strata manager. | 4. SP63915 – Jubilee Avenue Carlton – Investigations into the cause of black mould and dampness occurring to the internal walls and ceilings of a townhouse constructed beneath the tiled terrace to 3 other townhouses above. Cause of water penetration from defective waterproofing membrane and lack of professional detailing. |
5. SP10217 Francis Road Artarmon 10-storey – NCAT dispute case representing pensioner to replace deteriorated/faulty roof waterproofing membrane (causing water/mould into ceiling/light fitting for 10-years) against strata expert report offering repairs only. | 6. New Units Meeks Street Kensington unit development – Provided expert advice to Dr Clement Maloof developer from construction certificate documentation stage for commencement on new three-storey with basement carpark. Consultancy includes redesigning waterproofing issues and specifications for developer’s architects. |
7. SP66300 Delmar Pde DEE WHY – Design specification and project manage waterproof membrane replacement to terrace roofs of 4 strata units. | 8. SP9651 Victoria Place Drummoyne – Investigations of the external recently installed cement render that is deteriorating throughout the external multi level unit block |
9. SP70855 Upper Gilbert Street Manly – Investigation as to the cause of water and moisture penetrating terraces into the basement garages below, found waterproofing flashings at wall junctions faulty. | 10 SP1520 O’Donnell Street North Bondi – Regarding building dispute of alleged faulty work and materials regarding waterproofing, rising damp, installing damp proof courses, installing cross flow ventilation, and installing subsurface drainage systems. |
11. SP8450 Wrights Road, Drummoyne – 1970s multi-storey level strata residential occupied building – Evaluate current work in progress re rectification of spalling concrete damage floor from water and moisture migrating through magnesite floor topping. Evaluate the repair process and appropriate waterproofing and cementitious concrete materials to remediate the damage and excavations to four (4) suspended reinforced steel concrete floors. Provide detailed independent reports and recommendations. | 12. SP7021 Robertson Street Kogarah – 30-year-old 4-storey high strata units inspection audit of spalling concrete damage and water penetration, call tenders, make recommendation to owners and supervision of the building contractors works. Wall cracking and corroding steel lintels evidence and required recommendations that include our valuation of waterproofing and cement type products proposed by the remedial builder that will be the bases of other work to be carried out at the property. |
13. SP63607 West Esplanade Manly – 5-storey high with 2 levels of basement car parking strata units. Provide forensic assessment report of water penetration and non-compliance / deteriorating building components of work carried out under home warranty insurance that has been rectified twice since major alterations and additions were carried out to upgrade the building in 2000. | 14. SP35581 Cliffbrook Parade Clovelly – ocean front 6 level apartments, investigate and oversee physical destructive invasion and testing of materials of faulty workmanship and failed waterproofing balcony membranes, planter boxes, wall flashings, non-compliant aluminium sliding doors, causing spalling concrete damage, corrosion of non- compliant mortar joints in face brick walls. Prepare reports, specifications, call tenders and provide periodic inspections of remedial work in progress. Evaluate changes in required work, variations of costs and report to owners of strata manager. Handle disputes. |
15. SP1557 Dolphin Street Coogee – 60-year-old 3-storey strata units. Investigate water intrusion and prepare reports, specification, design and submit to Randwick council DA/CC. Project inspections for upgrading of roof structural support beams, waterproofing membranes, tiled decking, new ColorBond steel roof frame and cladding, replace brick and steel balustrade with stainless steel / safety glass balustrade to perimeter of terrace roof. | 16. SP57123 Bent Street Neutral Bay – 12-year-old strata units on hill slope. Investigate and manage physical destructive intrusion to walls and concrete slabs. Provide reports and specifications, call tenders and provide contract administration to rectify waterproofing membrane issues, wall cracking due to lack of expansion joints and certify completion. Provide dilapidation inspection re proposed works in adjoining new development. |
17. 18 Fairlight Street Manly – strata unit pre-purchase re cracking inspection report and rectification solution of vertical cracking and wall movement caused from brick growth and lack of expansion and control joints. Water penetration solutions. | 18. SP2300 Osborne Road Manly – 1960s four-storey strata unit assessment report on water penetration/spalling concrete to balconies. Investigations include project managing destructive concrete excavations to determine the extent of spalling corrosion. Prepare specifications, building contract, call tenders and make recommendations to the Owners Corporation. |
19. SP56937 Milner Road Artarmon – Strata units assessment and report with recommendation to rectify spalling concrete corrosion, water penetrating through concrete slabs, defective waterproofing membranes, dislodging terrace floor tiling, inadequate drainage, structural damage safety hazard conditions of timber balustrade retaining walls. | 20. SP6231 Milray Ave Wollstonecraft – 15-year-old two-storey apartments’ assessment report and specification to rectify water penetration causing spalling concrete. Evaluate faulty workmanship and give advice re previous builders’ work. |
21. SP72907 King Georges Road Kogarah – 3-storey block of units over ground floor shops. A report advising solutions for water intrusion and wall cracking movements including deteriorating and faulty work waterproofing roof membrane. | 22. SP4331 Lagoon St Narrabeen – Strata unit suffering internal spalling concrete floors due to water penetration through cavity wall flashings. Technical report and solution includes advising strata manager and owner. Inspection found faulty rectification work and advised changing builders. |
23. SP51024 Thomas Street Waitara – 15-year-old 8-storey strata units. Investigations, reports, specification and project inspections of spalling concrete roofs / parapet rectifications, includes defective waterproofing membrane, stone pebble ballast and temporary waterproofing to roof slab for three-year period. | 24. SP3881 Crown Road Queenscliff –4-storey 30-year-old strata units. Investigation and report relating to (CTTT) now NCAT claim are two builders disputing being responsible for defective waterproofing membrane and workmanship, and damage sustained to the interior of two strata units. |
25. SP15525 Arden Street Coogee – 3-storey 60-year-old strata. Assessment and expert report on dispute of common property garbage enclosure causing nuisance to occupant. Design solution specification and estimate cost to relocate garbage enclosure to a preferred location. (CTTT). | 26. Company title – Marine Parade Maroubra 4-storey 50-year-units. Assessment and expert report of spalling concrete sagging internal floors and external balconies due to water intrusion through defective membranes and balcony door flashings. |
27. SP61067 Blair Street North Bondi – 20-year old 2-storey strata units with basement carpark. Assessment and expert report includes exploratory works to determine the cause of rising damp, lateral damp and seepage flooding interior basement units and parking. | 28. SP77559 Marquet Street Rhodes new modern strata multi-storey units. Assessment and report includes investigations of water penetration through terrace roofs of penthouse and common property control joints in external walls. Discussions with committee members and building contractors for a solution. |
29. SP216 – Alexandra Street Hunters Hill Heritage sandstone strata building – investigation and survey audit interior, subfloor, suffering water penetration and corrosion of sandstone block materials to the foundation walls. Evaluate expert reports and previous specifications. Provide technical reports and specifications for neglected maintenance to rectify water penetration causing lateral and rising damp and damaging interior not fit for occupancy in preparation for CTTT now NCAT. | 30. SP3539 Ocean Street Narrabeen – 40-year old 4-storey strata units. Report peeling membrane and wall paints and deterioration for expert opinion for Tribunal hearing at Stockland House Castlereagh Street Sydney on $400,000 strata unit claim representing the Owners –v- Insurance company under HWI scheme – Robert Speirs-Ferrari evidence was preferred in settlement. |
31. SP69492 Ocean Road Narrabeen residential complex above commercial and retail shops. Assessment and expert report of water penetrating aluminium sliding doors causing damage to internal walls. External wall cracking due to omitted expansion joints and cement render dislodging to ground from curved balconies. Joint expert’s inspection for HWI insurance claim. | 32. SP10807 North Steyne Manly ‘Aquablu’ Building – Technical inspection audit report and recommendations of 6-year-old 4 storey units throughout the common property and basement garage areas prior to statutory warranty period run out. Advise on rust corrosion, early evidence of spalling concrete and balcony crack seepage. Pre-purchase inspection report for Penthouse wall cracking and lack of movement control joints. |
33. SP1030 North Steyne Manly –30-year old 4-storey block of units – Inspection audit of spalling concrete structurally sagging balconies and water penetration internally from balcony sliding doors, and recommendations to demolish all wraparound balconies and for new balcony door frames to suit oceanfront environment. | 34. Strata Plan Sydney Road Fairlight – 40-year-old 4-storey strata units Assessment and expert’s report of remedial solutions for spalling concrete damage in balcony floors, water penetration through faulty and corroding metal deck roofing and parapet flashings. Sagging concrete floors causing cracking to soffit and allowing moisture penetration causing spalling concrete corrosion. |
35. SP64415 Birriga Road, Bellevue Hill – Physical destructive investigations to luxury apartments. Technical report specifying rectifications of 9 years’ water penetration since construction throughout all balconies, causing water penetration into living rooms and bedrooms causing wall damage and rotting carpets. | 36. SP1977 Pittwater Road Collaroy Flightdeck – Penthouse on 12th floor suffering major structural spalling concrete to slab floors (and cantilevered balcony) including spalling to the ceiling of the unit below due to water intrusion through door sills, walls, roofs and beneath balcony tiling. Provided investigations for 18 months and reports to owners corporation and attended (CTTT) now NCAT mediation insurance claim payout. |
37. SP2949 Pittwater Road Collaroy – 35-year-old 3 and 4 storey units. Investigate report on corrosion deterioration from salt-water spray migrating face brickwork causing brick and mortar joint corrosion. Rectifications include render and waterproof membrane coatings. Terrace roof membranes, tiling and spalling concrete repairs under project management services. Prepare drawings submitted for DA consent. | 38. SP2300 Osborne Road Manly 4-story high units. Assessment and project inspection of physical intrusive exporter works to walls and concrete regarding waterproofing and spalling concrete damage to balcony floor slabs and internal floors of units. Prepare specifications for rectification and call costs from builders. |
39. SP2025 Osborne Road Manly 4-story high units. Assessment and project inspection of physical intrusive exporter works to sagging concrete balconies due to serious spalling concrete damage to the parameters and omitted waterproofing at initial construction. Prepare specifications and call costs from builders. | 40. Strata Units Mary Street Lilyfield – 40-year-old three-storey strata units assessment regarding rear upper level unit with faulty alterations and extensions construction causing water intrusion and poor quality workmanship -prepared experts report for CTTT now NCAT hearing. Case settled with Robert Speirs-Ferrari evidence. |
41. SP70392 Kent St Sydney, 30-storey multi high-rise units. Assessment and technical report after carrying out physical destructive intrusion to the internal slab ceilings that spalled due to inferior concrete slab floors at time of construction prepare specification and call tenders for repairs. | 42. SP49705 “The Wardleigh” – Kings Cross Road Kings Cross multilevel strata units suffering water penetration to the penthouse terrace due to alterations and additions suffering faulty design and construction work. Waterproofing membrane and ColorBond metal roof suffer waterproofing ability issues. |
43. SP1520 O’Donnell Street North Bondi – Investigations and testing of rising damp within ground floor unit that remains some damp after extensive subsoil drainage works were designed by engineers and installed by waterproofing experts, including increasing the air ventilation beneath the floor system. Prepare expert reports for legal proceedings and expert witness involvement. | 44. Strata Plan 10217 Francis Road Artarmon – Suffering roof membrane and waterproof flashing complaints and issues due to deterioration of materials and faulty workmanship not satisfactory rectified. Rectification areas of the extensive parapet to concrete slab roof perimeter, waterproof wall flashings around the lift and services roof room and waterproofing membrane over the concrete slab roof. |
45. Strata Plan 79088 Bay water Drive Wentworth Point – Inspection and physical destructive investigation and testing for moisture and water ingress to penthouse strata unit including the damage sustained and an expert opinion report includes specification for Fair Trading. | 46. Spencer Street Rose Bay – Inspection of 4- level home unit suffering building faults and omitted construction in breach of the approved council approved plans and specifications and provide expert opinion evidence report, scope of works, Scott schedule and photographic evidence for litigation to lawyer client. |
47. Strata Plan 32518 Sydney Road Manly – Inspection of 4- level home unit suffering building waterproofing faults. Initial building fault reports include deterioration of waterproofing membrane, blocked cavity walls allowing moisture to penetrate causing cement and paint damage corrosion, front facade full height window assembly leaking requiring replacement, and leaking bathroom shower floors. 2nd engagement includes preparing a specification scope of works documentation and issue to tender from experienced remedial building contractors. | 48. Strata Plan 72040 509 Bourke Street, Surry Hills – Engaged by the owner to handle a dispute with the owners corporation regarding what is common property in relation to deteriorated waterproofing membrane and bathroom tiles dislodging. |
49. Strata units Tryon Road Lindfield – Inspection and investigations of water-saturated balconies tiles to large wrap around cantilevered balconies. Specification requiring floor tiles to be removed including waterproofing membrane and the installation of new materials. | 50. Strata plan at 34-36 Pacific Street, Manly – Investigated unusual mould on ceilings from common property leaking roof that was mentioned by other experts to be condensation from the amenities. |
51. Strata plan 21617 Campbell Parade Bondi – Investigations and preparation of a specification for the rectification of waterproofing roof membrane, large brick parapet and balustrade walls, corroding brick wall ties, and corrosion cracking to the roof slab and ceilings below. Called tenders for the rectifications in stages. | 52. Condamine Street Balgowlah – Stocklands strata units podium level expansion joints allowing rainwater to penetrate the shopping centre below. Preparation of extensive investigations, reports and specifications for the correction of the water penetration issues. |
53. Painters Lane Terrigal Strata Project – Onsite meeting with all parties involved. Provide inspection, discussions, and a report of the causes and solutions. | 54. Strata Plan 85051 Lane Cove – Investigations, discussions and inspection of water ingress causes from the roof terrace slab above tiled roof system, stormwater and prepare comprehensive report and specification. |
55. Strata Plan 904414 Carr Street Coogee – Prefabrication wall construction unit block, has waterproofing membrane deficiency at wall base of two units causing water to penetrate the interior at floor level. | 56. Strata Plan 61156 Griffin Street Manly – 20 year old strata unit block with deteriorated Bitumen waterproofing membrane sheet that required replacement. Advised and provided the Quantity Surveyor with technical waterproofing advice. Included inspecting the concrete slab for cracking and spalling concrete once old membrane removed. Advice for application of new waterproofing system, inspecting the work in progress, and method to dry out the slab ceilings below prior to being repainted. |
1. Tasman Street Dee Why – Investigations of construction work in progress of a two-storey house assessed faulty work with bathrooms’ waterproofing, balcony waterproofing, balcony construction, and inappropriate waterproofing to windows in walls, damp-proof course flashings faulty and ColorBond roof flashing faulty. Prepare Scott Schedule report for Fair Trading intervention. | 2. Meyer Street, Enfield – Investigations to a Federation residential home as to the cause of serious structural wall movement settlement/sinking and extensive structural cracking throughout the building walls, contributed by tree roots from adjoining properties, and sewer drainage pipe line leakage. Prepare an expert report for destructive excavations and potential court proceedings. |
3. Delaigh Ave Curl Curl – Asbestos inspection survey to residential house for purpose to document bonded fibro asbestos sheet wall and ceiling linings; preparation to carry out major improvements. | 4. Bruce Lane North Curl Curl – Asbestos inspection of the bathroom wall linings assessment for removal and replacement with suitable safe materials. |
5. Melwood Avenue Killarney Heights – Survey inspection and specification for recently constructed three-storey luxurious home. To rectify extensive water penetration due to defective waterproofing and membrane. Rectify cracked terrace slab roof causing seepage to internal damaging ceilings. Water penetrating glass gable roof and to extensive cracked concrete roof parapet. Faulty constructed balustrade and project management. | 6. Warringah Road Beacon Hill – 20 year old two-storey residence. Investigation and prepare specifications, architectural and engineers drawings for major alterations and additions includes solving waterproofing and seepage issues. Seek Council approval, project manage the works including take role as master builder to complete the project on time. |
7. Moruben Road Mosman – Investigation and technical report with specifications for insurance claim or fair trading disputes concerning major rectification of multilevel mansion with ocean views suffering water penetration and faulty workmanship | 8. Barcoo Island Sylvania Waters -two-storey mansion assessment and DA objection report on proposed adjoining development causing drainage problems, overshadowing, privacy and noise. |
9. Parr Ave North Curl Curl 2009 constructed three-storey house – Investigations of faulty workmanship and materials – exposed to the ocean suffering waterproofing defects causing water intrusion to the interior of the main bedroom ensuite. Prepared experts report for CTTT hearing. | 10. Penrith Avenue Wheeler Heights Hill – Assessment report of illegally constructed timber deck on adjoining strata common property damming natural seepage water causing issues and brick foundation movement. Provide specification for solution of water flow and waterproofing. |
11. Ocean Road Manly – Assessment and report plus specifications to rectify major water flooding damage through three-storey structure – acting for the owners v the insurance company. | 12. Nargong Road Allambie Heights – Prepare design documentation, obtaining council approval, provide cost estimates to rebuild a current small timber framed asbestos clad residence to a large two-storey mansion. |
13. Condamine Street Allambie Heights – Inspections for major improvements throughout residential house, including architectural and engineers’ drawings and contract administer the building works. | 14. King St Manly Vale – Inspection and investigation into building construction defects, prepare expert opinion reports, photographic evidence, specification, Scott schedule, NCAT. |
15. Sefton Road Thornleigh – Inspection for design architect in response to complaint by owner to determine if alleged defects exist and whether a design fault or a construction fault and prepare expert opinion report for use in Fair Trading. | 16. Macmillan Street Seaforth – Inspection and testing levels and distances of new terrace to establish cause of water penetrating into this three-storey building and prepare expert opinion report to be relied upon in Fair Trading site inspection of experts. |
17. Russell Street Clontarf – Inspection and testing interior walls and floors to establish cause of water penetrating into this three-storey building and prepare expert opinion report including scope of works to be relied upon for a remedial building contractor. | 18. – Malvina St Ryde – Inspection and investigate cause of water penetrating the lower ground floor is and mould growth including to the upper level of new 3- storey home, to inform the builder of building faults and the rectification methodology. |
19. Monash Parade Dee Why – Initial inspection investigation and an assessments of water tests for claim against faulty work and application to NCAT to investigate causes of water penetrating through walls and door thresholds of recent waterproofed and tiled balcony adjacent and exposed to the north-east surf and oceanfront being part of major improvements to the 3-storey property. | 20. Carlton Street Manly – Inspection investigations to recently constructed semi detached dwellings as to causes of water ingress to the interior at base of walls. Investigations included roof planter boxes causing water to penetrate ceilings and cavity walls below. Water testing verified waterproofing membrane defective on roofs adjoining cavity walls and cavity walls not constructed on elevated concrete hobs including flashings penetrating walls are not waterproof sealed at the floor and roof slab junctions. Expert opinion report for NCAT pending completion of investigations |
21. Chiltern Crescent Castle Hill – Expert Witness building report for NCAT regarding owners with a leaking first floor balcony whereby the waterproofing membrane within a short period leaked, and the solicitors acting for the owners were able to win the case on the first appearance at NCAT. | 22. Johnston Street Annandale – Inspection and report of large alterations and additions to the rear of a federation home, including onsite discussions with the builder and the builders’ specialist consultants together with the owners where a list of work was prepared to assist in avoiding a building dispute. |
23. Bassett Street Mona Vale – Dilapidation report of a recently purchased property where major alterations and additions were carried out particularly concerned with the roof space, the underfloor foundations and mould growth to the interior. Preparation of specification for the necessary works were carried out. | 24. Aboud Avenue Kingsford – Investigations to the cause of buckling timber floors of recently constructed large alterations and additions to the back of the property. Our comprehend expert report swiftly finalised the matter. |
25. Private Home Old South Head Road Vaucluse – Recently extensive alterations and additions carried out resulting in water penetration through the roof during heavy wind-driven storm conditions. Our on site discussions with the property owner resulted in a satisfactory settlement with the Builder. | 26. Penshurst Street Penshurst house – Extensive investigations of the many defects in the widespread alterations and additions and generated documents to start NCAT tribunal proceedings. |
27. Daisy Street North Balgowlah – Inspections and reports of new two storey house under construction – commenced at foundation brick walls, slab floor and timber wall and roof framing. | 28. Earl Street Beacon Hill – Dispute between neighbours regarding water entering property causing damage to brick wall parallel to boundary. Extensive investigations and preparing many expert reports that were relied upon for lawyers and us at Land and Environment Court. |
29. 10 Bennett Street Neutral Bay – Inspections of faulty work and installations of waterproofing membrane. Includes tests and reports of new renovated concrete terrace allowing rainwater to penetrate into the garages and storage areas below. |
NSW Fair Trading Tribunal (CTTT) 2005 1. The Owners of Strata Plan 51499 -V- Fair Trading Administration Corporation (FTAC) Home Building [2005] NSW CTTT 739 (23 November 2005) Sydney Office of Fair Trading CTTT Tribunal, Mr Speirs-Ferrari representing the Appellants in a $1M claim (10-year case), gave expert evidence regarding cracking, protective waterproof coatings, painting, mould growth, and corroding galvanised steel window lintels. Mr John Bordon Senior Member CTTT preferred Mr Robert Speirs-Ferrari evidence to that of the expert for the Respondent / Applicants. |
NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) 2014
2. Kathy B Cheng – V – The Owners of Strata Plan 10217 at NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal, Consumer and Commercial Division (NCAT) Sydney, (File N0 SCS 14/12814). On 26 June 2014 F E Gray Adjudicator orders against Owners Corporation preferring evidence recommendations in the report prepared by Mr Robert Speirs-Ferrari Building Diagnosis Centre, (compared to that proposed by the expert acting for the Owners) to replace common property roof membrane and make waterproofing rectifications to the roof at 6 Francis Road Artarmon NSW 2064. |
1. South Sydney City Council Solander Park project at Erskineville Sydney “Stormwater Quality Improvement and Reuse Treatment System ” (S.Q.I.R.T.S.) – built 2001. | Robert Speirs-Ferrari’s commissioned as specialist consultant in a design team. He provided expert advice for suitability of steel materials for civil structures to achieve flexibility, capabilities, and protective coatings for long-term endurance |
2. Parramatta City Council for the Riverside South + Elizabeth Street Parramatta River Footbridge – built 2002 | Robert Speirs-Ferrari’s commissioned as specialist consultant in a design team. He provided expert advice for suitability of materials for civil works and protective coatings for long-term endurance. |
3. Parramatta Footbridge – Parramatta City Council new Aqueduct / Footbridge replacement over Parramatta River Elizabeth Street – built 2002.
Robert Speirs-Ferrari commissioned as specialist consultant in the design team. He provided expert advice for suitability of steel materials for civil structures to achieve flexibility, capabilities, and protective coatings for long-term endurance.